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Our Consultants

Giovanni C.V. Bermudez, MBA -Executive Consultant
Giovanni C.V. Bermudez is the Founder, Principal and Executive Consultant of Eclectic Advisory Partners. Giovanni C.V. Bermudez holds a bachelor's degree from Life Experience University (LEU) complemented with an MBA from the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom. Giovanni is an all-arounder with skills in various categories such as Supply Chain Management, Operations Analysis, Marketing, Strategy Planning, Innovation Management & Management Consultancy.

Giovanni E. Bermudez, AB -
Junior Consultant

Giordano G. Bermudez, BSc. -
Junior Consultant
Giordano Bermudez is a Junior Consultant at Eclectic Advisory Partners that graduated with a bachelor's degree in Economics and Business Economics from Maastricht University. Giordano is specialized in Economics, Business Economics and Corporate Finance.
Giovanni E. Bermudez is a Junior Consultant at Eclectic Advisory Partners. Giovanni received his Propedeutic Diploma of the Faculty for Accounting, Finance and Marketing (FEF) of the University of Aruba. Giovanni will continue to specialize in the field of marketing through an eclectic set of (online) marketing specialization courses!
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